About Me

My name is Jack Martinuk and I am a graphic designer. I am currently working in Winnipeg Manitoba as a Sign Maker & Designer. I Specialize in logo design, corproate identity, printed & vinyl materials. I believe that design is something that defines and is always a changing force with a company. Need a new design for your logo, printed materials, vehicle wrap, company signage, tradeshow, or corporate identity? I'm here to help build timeless and meaningful design solutions with real purpose and value.

Contact Details

Jack Martinuk
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
(204) 801-7824
jack (at) jackmartinuk.com


Collège Sturgeon Heights Collegiate

Graphic Arts / Design Merchandise/packaging design Pre-Press Offset Printing Presses Bindery Fabrication


Tommorow - ?

How about it? Work with me

I have grown with every project so far and am therefore always open to new collaborations.

Signs Now

Senior Designer & Production February 2012 - August 2020

I'm in charge of all creative tasks & design, vinyl printing & cutting. As well as production and manufactureing of signs from start to completion. Including vehicle decals, banners, tradeshow displays, vinyl decals, business cards, storefront signage.

Freelance Designer

Website and Brand Designer 2008 - 2011

Built website designs, logos, video promotions for various online Community Forums and Clients.


Production Assistant 2008

Assisted with signage production and building installations of signage and vinyl displays. Shipping & Supply of vinyl materials.


I work fast with Corel Draw, Adobe CC Programs and have experience with video editing and can learn new applications quickly and efficiently.

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Corel Draw
  • Sony Vegas
  • Vinyl Cutting & Printer Apps
  • Sign Production

Client Testimonials

  • Jack does a great job on designing my website and was able to get the projects done in a fast and effecent time.

  • I'm able to bounce ideas off Jack and then he is able to get the vision in my head into what i need done.


Say Hi

Send an email to ask me about my current availability for new projects collaborations or consultations. Or just say something nice.

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